Dear Past Self

This time last year I was in a completely different place than what I am right now. This blog post is dedicated to anyone that needs this as this is what I needed last year.

Dear past Beth,

Right now things are pretty unbearable, your are feeling completely alone and just want to give in. You are ready to leave uni and are beginning to stop functioning. I want to tell you that it gets better (it does) but for now it’s going to get worse. The next couple of months are going to throw things at you that are unimaginable and they are all going to come in a domino impact. You will forget how to be happy and a lot of objects are going to get thrown. Right now you are a broken girl with no light at the end of the tunnel. But the turmoil stops, the tears slowly get replaced by smiles and you become content. You go back to uni in September and start having the time of your life. Those events that caused massive change to your life? You let them make you instead of break you, they mature you and just give you a new perspective on life. For once you are making plans for the future and are starting to feel optimistic.

Dear future Beth,

This is a reminder that you have handled so many horrendous things, especially in the first six months of 2018 and you got through them. Whatever you are facing, no matter how tough it seems, you will get through it because somehow you always do.

Be kind to yourself, take one step at a time and never stop believing in your resilience.


Present Beth


Welcome back!

It has been a very long time since you have heard from me. My main aim for 2019 is to change that and give more time to this blog as blogging has become such a passion of mine.

I thought it would be nice for my first blog back to be a recap on my 2018 as I really do feel in some ways 2018 has been my year! As I write this I am wrapped up in a blanket, watching The Greatest Showman, I feel content with life.

I’m not going to lie, the first six months of 2018 were rough. There were a few events that happened this year that changed me but I feel they changed me for the better. In March my grandad had a stroke resulting in a broken hip which has compromised his mobility and ability to complete tasks like he used to. Due to this I have taken some responsibilities for my grandparents such as doing their shopping for them. As well as this, my dad had a life changing accident at work which means I have taken on a lot more responsibility at home. These events have meant I had to grow up and mature very quickly. This has made me realise how precious life is and also how much those around me do for me. Usually I am never grateful for the negative events that occur in my life but this years feel different; I feel the negatives have made me instead of breaking me.

For the last six months of 2018 I have been living my best life. Since June, everything seems to just have fallen into place and I have grasped back a sense of normality which I haven’t had for years. I’m not sure if it was the hype of the world cup or just a coincidence but ever since then I’ve felt some form of happiness. I have experienced so many amazing things: my first holiday without any adults, seeing my brother get married and having a blast at university just to name a few. Turning 19 has treated me well and I really hope it continues.

Thank you so much for all the people I have had around me this year for their love and support, I couldn’t have done this without you. I would love to hear your highlights for 2018 and your hopes for 2019, feel free to comment them below!

2018 you could have broken me but you’ve strengthened me instead. Here is to 2019

See you next year

A content Beth


World Mental Health Day 2017

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

I know it has been a while since I have blogged but my life has been a bit chaotic and I just haven’t felt up to blogging, I might talk about it in the future.

In today’s blog I want to talk about something close to my heart, Mental Health. If you are unaware October 10th is World Mental Health Day/ Mental Health Awareness Day.  For many reasons this day and topic is very close to my heart.

I feel like days of awareness are so so important in trying to break down the massive stigma that society has around mental health. For some they don’t feel they can speak out about their mental health but days like this are so important as it shows that you aren’t on your own and there are plenty of others fighting the same fight.

For so many it is easier to pretend they are fine and hide behind a smile then actually explain how they are feeling as sometimes they don’t even understand it themselves. This is why it is so important to tell those around you how much you care about them as you never know what battle they may be facing.

The problem with our society is that we can accept any part of us being broken whether that be a broken leg or a broken heart but we refuse to accept our minds being unhealthy, All illnesses should be treated the same whether they are physical or mental. We should run and give someone the same love and compassion when they are mentally unwell that we do when they are physically unwell.

For those of you that are struggling at the moment, I promise you can get through this, you are stronger than you think. It might not feel like it now but you have got this I promise!

If we are to end the stigma around mental health we need to talk about it everyday, not just one day a year. Educating individuals and talking about mental health is the first step in doing this. So please don’t be afraid to talk about mental health and the stigma around it. Together we have got this.

Until next time


Don’t Be Afraid To Pick College

Welcome back to my blog!

I know for a lot of individuals the time is coming to pick what they do after they finish secondary school. For some they may feel that they have to do A levels due to family pressure or risks of not getting into University, even if A levels aren’t suited to them. That is why for this weeks blog I have decided to write about why you shouldn’t be afraid to pick college. I know for some of you this might not apply to as you have already been through Further Education but don’t worry because I will also be talking about my own experience of college which you may still find interesting.

For those of you that don’t know what A levels are, they are exams that students take between the ages of 16-18 in their chosen 3/4 subjects. The results of these exams decided what uni/uni course you can go to or what job you can get. A level exams are very hard and stressful and for some individuals like me they aren’t the best post sixteen option. They are mainly exam based so for individuals that get anxieties around exams or cannot display their full potential then these can be very challenging.

Most individuals are afraid to go to college as it often gets a reputation for being ‘easy’ and something only unintelligent people do. This is not the case. From the moment I did my GCSE’s I knew that I wouldn’t be able to cope with A levels. I was always an individual that revised really hard and when we did practices papers in lessons I was hitting my target grades but as soon as it was time to do the real the thing the pressure of the exams got to me and I just froze. Exams freaked me out a lot and unfortunately due to this my GCSE grades didn’t represent my ability.

Luckily I found College. I studied Health and Social Care there with my course being fully coursework and no exams – Result! Due to the no exams people have the perception that due to the no exams college is easy. This is far from the truth. Constant coursework means constantly having work to do, constant deadlines and a million late nights trying to get it all done but also a lot of satisfaction at the end and also constantly knowing what you are on track to achieve.

Individuals also worry that they won’t get accepted into university if they go to college. Now a days college coursers are more popular for university places than A levels. This is because college teaches you so many skills you need for university that A levels don’t such as being organised, finding information by themselves and also managing multiple deadlines. I went to college and I got offers from all 3 of my universities without an interview – 2 of them were unconditional offers!

Now to talk about my experience of college. I attended Chesterfield College and I have to say it was the best decision I have ever made. From my first day I have never felt so welcome and accepted as well as feeling appreciated. All the staff were so caring and couldn’t do enough to help and support me whenever I needed it. At college you called your teachers by their first name which made it feel a more friendly atmosphere and not as formal. Everyone cared and would go out of their way to help from my personal tutor to my head of directorate. There were many times where I doubted myself and my abilities and put too much pressure on myself which lead to me putting myself down. My teachers were always their to comfort and reassure me that I was in fact achieving.

College also gave me so many opportunities to help gain experience and build up my CV. From different placements to organising a health campaign. I have to say the best opportunity was to organise a mental health awareness fair and work with other professionals to orgainse this. This helped me make contacts within the social care industry and also give me the chance to organise a project on a topic that I am really passionate about.

The most important thing I got out of going to college was how much that it managed to build my confidence. I admit I still am not a confident person but my confidence has improved dramatically from what it was before I attended college. College has made me independent and mature and help me become the person I have always wanted to be.

Don’t be afraid to pick college, even if others judge you because at the end of the day you have to do what is right for you and only you. College is demanding and stressful but it can also help shape you, give you options as well as making friends for life.

I hope you enjoyed this different style of blog this week. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and I will see you next week!

Review: Soap & Glory – What A Peeling De-Clog Mask

Hola Amigos,

Welcome back to my blog! This week I am going to be reviewing a soap and glory face mask that I purchased recently.

Face Mask Packaging

I suffer from bad eczema and sensitive skin so there are not many products/face masks that I am able to use. I have discovered that I don’t react to Soap and Glory so if any of you out there have sensitive skin like me and haven’t already, try Soap and Glory!

The face mask comes in a pack of 2 with also an applicator, for £4. I feel this is fairly reasonable for a branded product and considering you get 2 face masks in it as well. When you open the pots you will see the pink mask that needs to be applied (I inner screamed when I saw that the product was pink!) The instructions of how to apply it are on the back of the packaging but just like any face mask, smooth and even.

Pot of Mask


I am unsure if it was because it was my first time applying anything like this or because of the formula of the mask but in my opinion I found it quite challenging to apply with the applicator and found it quite messy (I managed to get it on my  pajamas and the bathroom floor) So I recommend when you are applying it to cover what you are wearing or wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy. I also recommend doing it in a room where it doesn’t matter if you spill a bit onto the floor.


Once it has been applied then it instructs you to leave it to set for 25 minutes and then it is time to peel it off! This is one of the things that persuaded me into trying this as I loved the idea of just being able to peel it off and not have the hassle of having to wash it off and then dry your face. When I started to peel it off I found that it didn’t peel off in one which I hoped it would have done. Maybe this could have been due to the way I applied it. I would have liked for it to have peeled off in one so that I could see clearly all the nastiness that it had removed.

Some of the mask was still wet on my face so I had to wash those bits off as it was too wet to peel. I feel this was my fault though as I had applied it too thickly in some places. When it was all off of my face it left it feeling so smooth and looking glowing,  it left me loving how my skin felt/looked.

Overall I would give this product an 8/10 as it did have some minor issues that could be improved but to be honest some of those could have been down to me and with practice of me applying it then these issues may not occur. I am definitely going to be using the other pot and more than likely re-purchasing as well!

That is all for this week. I hope you enjoyed this different style of blog. Please let me know in the comments what you would like me to review in the future. Also let me know if you have used this product before and if so what your opinion was on it.



Cornwall 2017

Hola Amigos,

I am currently writing this after a horrendous 10 hour car journey home from Cornwall, although it was completely worth it as I really have had the most amazing week away. My life is quite chaotic at the moment so it was really great to be able to get away for a while, be near the beach and just relax.


My holiday got off to an early start as we left my house at 3am to try and miss most of the traffic. Having done this it made it so that I got to witness the sun rising which made a great start to my holiday. By 10am we were in Port Issac to have an explore as this is where Doc Martin is filmed. After this we got off to where we were staying in Porthtowan. We were staying in Porthtowan but in our week in Cornwall we visited: Bodmin, Newquay , St Ives, Padstow and Perranporth. They were all beautiful places and helped me make some amazing memories.


There were so many great moments of my trip away such as the cliff top walks, visits to the beach and visiting cute little shops. Reflecting back I think one of my favourite things was just getting to spend quality time with my parents without the pressures of life or lack of time due to our busy work schedules. It was great just to relax and not have to be rushing about.

We went to different parts of Cornwall most days of our holiday as I mentioned in the previous paragraph. While we were there we often visted the beach that was in that area, it was great to see that so many were dog friendly so that my dog could have fun with us too! Once we had been to the beach we would go for somewhere nice for lunch, we ate in so many beautiful places that I will seriously need to get back to the gym! Once we had eaten we would walk round and explore and pop into a shop or two! Now I know this sounds very repetive and that it could get boring after the second day but it didn’t! That is the beauty of Cornwall because everywhere is so beautiful and interesting it is impossible to get bored.

It is always important from time to time to take a step back from everyday life and just escape to help refresh the mind and body. It is also important to spend as much quality time with your family as you can because life moves very fast and it is often easy to neglect those right next to us.


I managed to capture some great views while I was away so I hope you like the pictures that I have attached. See you here at the same time next week for another post!

Let me know what your favourite holiday destination is and also your favourite holiday memory! 


Here We Go

Hello there!

Here we go, after months of debating about it I have finally decided to start writing my own blog. To kick start it off I thought I would do a little get to know me.

My proper name is Elizabeth Sarah Cowell but everyone just calls me Beth. I have just recently celebrated my 18th birthday and I am going to University in September to study Education Studies.

I am hoping to use my blog for a range of things, from reviews to updates and everything in between. I am hoping to have something for everyone within it.

I know this hasn’t been the most exciting of blogs but please bare with me because I have lots of plans and ambitions for it. Please let me know what you would like me to post – all ideas welcome.

See you next week for my first proper post!!!

Find me on:

Twitter: bethxcowell

Instagram: bethcowell